Short Episode

Sharon Gutman Gilor

  • 14:46
  • 2024
Sharon Gutman Gilor

One of very few positive outcomes of this war is that the ongoing debate surrounding the participation of female soldiers in combat has been decisively answered. Women are, as the IDF’s Chief of Staff – Herzi Halevi – has said on multiple occasions, an integral part of the military effort. They serve in tanks and in field intelligence posts, as pilots and naval officers, infantry soldiers, engineering specialists, canine handlers, medics and more. In fact, out of the 625 doctors and paramedics operating in Gaza in late December, 73 – more than ten percent – were women. In today’s episode we talk to one of them, First Lieutenant Dr. Sharon Gutman Gilor.


The end song is Kol Sha’ah Neshika (“Every Hour, A Kiss”) by Chava Alberstein.